Ecology Feasting whales fuel ocean ecosystems Baleen whales eat a lot. Can their appetites help marine ecosystems recover from overfishing?
Conservation North Atlantic right whales are getting smaller With fewer than 400 individuals left on the planet, the situation for North Atlantic right whales is dire. Beyond the…
Behavior There and back again: Uncovering the mysteries of gray whale migration Gray whales undertake one of the longest migrations of any animal, swimming 12,000 miles round-trip between their northern feeding grounds…
Human impacts Are marine mammals susceptible to COVID-19? Humans aren't the only ones susceptible to COVID-19 and as the virus continues to spread, concern for wildlife is growing.
Behavior Surf’s Up: Suckerfish Have a Whale of a Time Remoras use the powerful suctioning organ on their heads to attach to different animals. For the first time scientists reveal…
Behavior The story behind the story: Understanding how mother whales communicate and the challenges of studying an endangered species How do North Atlantic right whale moms talk to their calves? A recent paper describes new quiet calls which have…