Paleontology This is your brain on arthropod evolution Reference: Moysiuk, J., Caron, J.B. (2022). A three-eyed radiodont with fossilized neuroanatomy informs the origin of the arthropod head and…
Behavior What do octopuses dream of when they take a little octopus snooze? Sleep is critical to a healthy lifestyle for humans and other animals. New research shows that even octopuses cycle through…
Plastic Pollution Menacing microplastics hamper hermit crab choices How can little bits of plastic in the ocean impact a hermit crab's ability to make decisions? Microplastics can be…
Neurobiology Are dolphins losing their minds in blooming ocean waters? Polluted water is a great source of food for harmful algal blooms, which release even more toxins into the water.…
Neurobiology Bold Fish, Shy Fish: What’s in Their Brains? Much like people, some fish individuals are adventurous, while others are more cautious. Do differences in the brain function hold…
Behavior Biology The Manta in the Mirror: Are Manta Rays Self-Aware? Fish are not typically thought of as the most intelligent animals. Yet, new research on manta rays may revolutionize the…