Behavior Sperm whales learned from each other to avoid 19th century whalers Is it possible to learn about how whales behaved 200 years ago? A combination of whaling logbooks and mathematical models…
Behavior There and back again: Uncovering the mysteries of gray whale migration Gray whales undertake one of the longest migrations of any animal, swimming 12,000 miles round-trip between their northern feeding grounds…
Behavior Surprising fin whale songs in Hawaii After sifting through thousands of hours of recordings, a team of naval researchers is bringing the previously hidden complexities of…
Paleontology An ancient dolphin gives a glimpse of the past What can fossilized dolphin skeletons tell us about how whales transitioned from land to sea millions of years ago? New…
Behavior Minke Boings: A 50-year mystery and the science of listening in the ocean Whale sounds are weird and fascinating, but for a long time scientists weren't even sure that whales made sounds. The…
Ecology Arctic Unicorns: Understanding the past, present, and future of narwhals and their mysterious tusks Why do narwhals have tusks that make them look like unicorns? As climate change continues, what is the fate of…
Behavior Humpback Whales Harmonize with Changing Environments A recent study explores how the occurrence of humpback whale song is associated with shifts in their environment, including the…
Biology Genetics Healthy Obesity: Whales and Dolphins Benefit from their Blubber Scientists study the genetic underpinnings of blubber formation in whales and dolphins, highlighting genes that may play a key role…