Coral Ecology Human impacts Seabird poop and coral growth: an unexpected link How corals feast thanks to seabirds digestive systems
Ecology Mussel Beds: The (Unsung) Invertebrate Homestead Mussel beds and biodiversity: a love story for the books!
Ecology We Finally Know Why Some Fish are Warm-Blooded On average Tuna, Great White Sharks, and other warm-blooded fish swim faster than their cold-blooded counterparts
Conservation Deep Sea Mining Could Bring Havoc to the Ocean Floor A new study finds that deep-sea mining could significantly decrease the biodiversity of the deep sea. It turns out that…
Ecology The Death of an Ecosystem: Understanding the Collapse of Northern California’s Kelp Forests In 2014, kelp forest ecosystems in northern California essentially disappeared. The reasons for the loss are now clear to scientists,…
Biodiversity Cone snails use the illusion of sex to catch their next meal With the promise of sex, cone snails lure their prey out of hiding and deliver a deadly strike. The results…
Climate Change Coastal Management Size Matters in Kelp Forests – Big, Dense Populations Are Better Equipped to Recover from Disturbance Kelp are habitat-forming species, the “ecosystem engineers” of our coasts. Standing metres tall and sheltering coastal habitats from the full…
deep sea Ecology Trophic Ecology Feces as Food Urchins and bacteria, working together to link pelagic and benthic ecosystems.
Microbiology It’s getting cold in here! As we here into winter, we notice changes taking place in nature all around us. But what do microbes in…
Sea Ice Melting ice, shifting microbes Polar bears have been the poster child for sea ice melting in the Arctic. But what does sea ice loss…
Microbiology A blanket of oil: the role of bacteria in cleaning up after Deepwater Horizon Nearly one million barrels of oil landed on the seafloor after the Deepwater Horizon spill - a feast if bacteria…
Ecology Invasive Species Aliens in the kelp forests – community ecology and Miso soup In the plant world, competition between species is almost always over space. Space dictates how much sunlight, nutrients, and potential mates…
Microbiology The answer to starvation? Diversity Photosynthetic microorganisms can't go it alone, so they succeed by playing host to a diverse array of microbial partners
Ocean Acidification Stressed-out microbes in an acidifying ocean The ocean is acidifying in response to carbon dioxide emissions, but we are just beginning to learn how this effects…
Ecology Vacancy at your local kelp forest A diverse community of seaweeds, snails, sponges, crustaceans, and more, find refuge and food within the dynamic kelp ecosystem.
Biology Now we got bad blood: Oxygen binding is not affected by haemoglobin subtype in Atlantic cod Why do northern and southern populations of Atlantic cod have different haemoglobin subtypes? A recent study upsets over 50 years…
Behavior Book Review Coastal Management Conservation Coral Ecology Human impacts Small MPAs: the new all-you-can-eat buffets? Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are a popular conservation tool and are in many situations very effective. Unfortunately, as with many…
Biology Book Review Climate Change Coastal Management Conservation Coral Ecology Human impacts Modeling Hard Coral or Macroalgae? Coral Reefs May Have Another Option Most of the time coral reef communities are discussed, it seems the focus is whether they’re dominated by hard coral…
Book Review Coastal Management Conservation Ecology Mangrove Takeover Impacting Salt Marshes Mangroves are encroaching on salt marsh habitats worldwide, but what does this change in plant community mean for the plants,…
Behavior Book Review Coral Ecology Evolution Parasitism Seagrass Grunts and Gnathiids: One Fish’s Daily Migration to Escape Parasites? Animals move for a number of reasons. The French grunt leaves the coral reefs at night for seagrass. A group…