deep sea Upward and onward: how deep-sea larvae utilize vertical swimming to disperse across ocean basins Deep-sea larvae show vastly different dispersal ability and pathways based on simulating how they swim.
Book Review Conservation Ecology Leaving the nursery: fish migration between juvenile and adult habitats Many fish utilize different habitats as adults than they do as juveniles, but little research has shown how they make…
Biology Book Review Coastal Management Conservation Coral Ecology Economy Fisheries Human impacts Policy Pollution The Great Barrier Reef is worth $15 billion – $20 billion AUS a year: A quick lesson in ecosystem economics When discussing the value of an ecosystem, tensions run high. Some people evaluate ecosystems with heavy emphasis on non-use values,…
Climate Change Coral larvae will stay at their birth reef in warmer seas New research suggests that global warming is leaving large coral reef systems less interconnected, which can affect their ability to…
Biology The far-reaching benefits of marine reserves It can actually work! A recent multidisciplinary study combining genetics and modeling conducted in the marine protected area of Torre…