deep sea A Gentle (Robotic) Hand The world of deep-sea environments is fascinating, and there is so much to learn from what we’ve yet to actually…
Sharkbites Saturday Danger in the deep: uncovering the vertical movement patterns of vulnerable deep-sea sharks Deep-sea sharks are one of the most poorly studied groups of animals on the planet, yet, their populations are highly…
deep sea Ocean Exploration Top 5 Highlights of Deep Sea Exploration in 2017 What have this year's deep sea exploration expeditions encountered so far? Read more to find out!
deep sea Ocean Exploration Science Behind the Scenes: The Corps of Exploration on the Exploration Vessel Nautilus What kind of people does it take to do research out at sea? Oceanbites writers Ashley Marranzino and Megan Chen…
deep sea Methodology Ocean Exploration Science Communication Science Behind the Scenes: A Tour of the Exploration Vessel Nautilus What is it really like to do research out at sea? Last month oceanbites writers Megan Chen and Ashley Marranzino…
Biological oceanography Ocean Acidification 2+ Ocean Exploration Expeditions to Join This Year Ninety-five percent of the ocean is unexplored, but there a few ocean expeditions happening this year that you can join!…
Chemistry deep sea Deep Iron: Good for the Ocean’s Bones : Iron isn’t just good for your body – it’s good for the ocean, too. While many studies focus on…
Microbiology Toxic living: finding the right home for sulfur-oxidizing bacteria Hydrothermal vents are hot, dark, and toxic environments. But to sulfur oxidizing bacteria, they're home.
deep sea Eating bones and building habitats: the life of an ecosystem engineer Believe it or not, zombies can be...a good thing? Read on to find out how "zombie worms" in the deep…
technology Under the Sea(floor): Ocean Drilling and Scientific Discovery Deep, dark, and mysterious, the ocean seafloor contains clues and records of past life and climates on earth. Understanding the…
Physical oceanography Antarctica’s bottom waters freshen up A team of researchers went back to the same part of Antarctic after a decade to see how the deep…
Plastic Pollution First evidence of plastic microfibre consumption by deep-sea animals For the first time ever, scientists have found evidence that deep sea animals are actually consuming plastic microfibres. Read more…
Biology Long-lived sharks challenge ageing theory Greenland sharks can live to be over 400 years old. What can they tell us about ageing?
Biology deep sea Ecology When Pigs Get Crabs: A Story of Symbiosis Excerpt: The deep sea is not an easy place to live. Cold, dark, and featureless, it doesn’t provide a lot…
Biology Marine Halloween: Creepiest Looking Critters In honor of our Marine Halloween theme, this month I’ll be presenting my picks for the creepiest looking marine critters,…
deep sea Ecology How Much Wood Can A Wood Boring Clam Bore? How much wood could a wood boring clam bore if a wood boring clam was given a lot of different…
Biology Why don’t sharks go deep? Happy Shark Week! Today we examine a persistent and interesting biogeographical puzzle: why are there so few deep sea sharks?
Book Review Physical oceanography 12,000 feet under the sea, from space A pair of scientists have figured out how to track deep ocean currents using gravity measurements from space.
Behavior Biology Book Review deep sea Developmental Biology Ecology Evolution Genetics Physiology Parenthood: The Most Rewarding Experience or The Ultimate Sacrifice? Our human parents make a lot of sacrifices for us! They devote their time and energy, provide for us, invest…
Biology Book Review Ecology Decomposition in the Deep Sea Whale carcasses that fall to the seafloor provide large amounts of food to deep-sea environments. Though ecologically important, little is…