Climate Change Ocean Acidification Oysters Are Pacific Oysters ready for the heat? How are adult and larval oysters sensitive to ocean acidification and warming?
Sea Turtles Where do baby sea turtles go? Where do baby sea turtles go after hatching on the beach and heading out towards sea? New tracking technology is…
Human impacts Ocean Noise Pollution Changes How Fish Grow The noise we make pollutes natural soundscapes and can impede how animals communicate, move, and behave. Researchers now have evidence…
Developmental Biology Development of some baby fish may not be harmed by climate change Climate change is making our oceans warmer and more acidic. These changes are bad for many fish larvae, which may…
Conservation Ensuring that coral reefs sound like home What does a coral reef sound like? The answer is more important than you might think. By playing the sounds…
Behavior Biology Ecology Natural History Costume Age: some crabs are too young to start dressing up Well, it’s that time of year again where hoards of costumed kids roam the streets in search of candy. While…
Biology Young whales build baleen out of ribs Juvenile bowhead whales put off gaining length and undergo severe bone loss to invest in growing their massive heads and…
Biology With a little help from my friends: sea turtles hatch together to save energy Sea turtle hatchlings face long odds when they emerge from their buried nests. But at least they don't have to…
Biology Ocean Acidification Disrupts Yellowfin Tuna Development We’ve heard a lot about ocean acidification and how it negatively impacts calcified organisms like corals or shellfish. But did…
Evolution The coelacanth and its leftover lung The coelacanth keeps surprising us! Rediscovered off the South African coast in 1938, these animals were once thought to have…