Behavior Is Noise Pollution Causing Marine Mammals to Starve? Noise surrounds our daily lives, and the oceans are no exception. Sonar is used by the Navy and oil industry,…
Paleontology An ancient dolphin gives a glimpse of the past What can fossilized dolphin skeletons tell us about how whales transitioned from land to sea millions of years ago? New…
Behavior Biology Book Review Dolphin Dialects: first evidence of spoken language in cetaceans? We all know dolphins are intelligent creatures that communicate with one another, but a recent study has analyzed dolphin sounds…
Biology Ecology Cetacean avoidance? They’re doing it on porpoise Dolphins aren’t always fun loving and gregarious like Flipper. In fact, they often act like bullies. Dolphins show aggression towards…
Chemistry We Don’t Know the Half of It: Hundreds of Contaminants in Dolphin Blubber from Southern California Dolphins and humans are continuously exposed to low levels of various halogenated, persistent manmade pollutants through their diets. In this…