Sea Turtles Why Did the Sea Turtle Cross the Beach? How Human Actions Affect Sea Turtle Nesting How can we really 'save the turtles'?
Restoration SURFO SPECIAL: Egregious Erosion Erosion is eating away our coasts. What are scientists doing to stop it?
Coastal Management It’s ALIVE: Living Shorelines! It’s no secret we want to protect our shorelines from erosion and coastal storms. One best management practice catching steam…
Book Review Coastal Management Conservation Human impacts Modeling Oysters Restoration technology Oh Where, Oh Where Should This Oyster Reef Go? Where indeed? Oyster reef restoration and use for shoreline protection requires some planning to maximize effectiveness. Find out more in…
Climate Change Coastal Management Geology Sea-level Rise Barrier Island Stability Rooted in Their Plant Life How stable are the barrier islands that outline many coastal communities around the world? To answer this question, scientists look…
Geology From the beach to the abyss: A sand grain’s journey at La Réunion Island The path a grain of sand takes from land to the deep sea is largely made possible by turbidity currents-…