Biogeochemistry Color by Numbers – How ocean color observed by satellites is helping researchers monitor rapidly changing Arctic coastal ecosystems Diaries from the field are used to validate satellite data
Ecology Invaders of the deep: Controlling mesophotic lionfish populations in Bermuda Can we successfully target deep lionfish populations?
Chemistry Hazards Human Health Toxicology Undergraduate Research SURFO SPECIAL: Flame retardants: Not as friendly as we like to think Jamillez Olmo Classen is a senior at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo, majoring in Technology in Industrial Chemical…
Biology Coastal Management Ecology Undergraduate Research SURFO SPECIAL: The world is your oyster: Collecting data on Matunuck Oyster Farm Did you know that oysters act as a biological water purifier? Thus, many different environmental conditions like the tide and…
Behavior Coastal Management Can we build a multisensory shark repellant? Human-shark interactions don't always end well on both sides. Is it possible to build a shark repellant that can keep…
Conservation Unbelizeable, part II A fieldwork faerie tale about an art/island paradise/conservation opportunity gone right
Conservation Unbelizeable, part I A fieldwork faerie tale about an art/island paradise/conservation opportunity gone right