Chemistry A New Way to Make Hydrocarbons Marine scientists used isotopic fingerprinting techniques to discover a new way that the hydrocarbons in oil and gas are formed.
Atmospheric Chemistry Biochemistry Biological oceanography Chemistry Climate Change Conservation Human impacts Ocean Acidification Pteropods are Ptough: How one of the ocean’s most fragile creatures may cope with climate change Climate change, due to the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning, is arguably the most important issue…
Human impacts New Nitrogen in Town: Nitrogen Deposition on the Open Ocean Life in the ocean depends on a variety of nutrients, an important one being nitrogen. Phytoplankton, at the bottom of…
Policy What Does the US Election Mean for Our Oceans? The oceans are subject to the whims of national policy, and yet they know no borders. Being poor ocean stewards…
Chemistry Beyond CO2: Chemical Consequences of Our Love Affair with Fossil Fuels Our world relies heavily on the burning of biological materials such as wood or fossil fuels to harness energy. While…
Archaeology Methodology How we broke radiocarbon dating CO2 from fossil fuel burning doesn’t contain C-14. That’s bad news for the future of radiocarbon dating.