Behavior Sperm whales learned from each other to avoid 19th century whalers Is it possible to learn about how whales behaved 200 years ago? A combination of whaling logbooks and mathematical models…
Biological oceanography Outreach Black History Month: Celebrating Black Marine Scientists Since Black History month is drawing to a close, here's a post celebrating two of the first Black marine scientists.
Behavior Minke Boings: A 50-year mystery and the science of listening in the ocean Whale sounds are weird and fascinating, but for a long time scientists weren't even sure that whales made sounds. The…
Invasive Species Navigating historical passages of marine invasive species Invasive species are a persistent threat to marine ecosystems. In this post, authors explore the historical context of marine invasive…
Fisheries Captain’s Log: Hunting for Data in an Era Gone By Sometimes scientists of the past didn't plan their projects too well, but we can still dig up their records and…
Book Reviews Coral Science Communication Deep Blue Reads: The Reef: A Passionate History, by Iain McCalman It’s often easy to think of science outside of its social and historical contexts, as something pure, empirical, and incorruptible.…