Behavior Ecology genomics Decoding the genes behind jellyfish movement How jellyfish know which way is up.
Human Health How to Treat a Jellyfish Sting Jellyfish stings have no known treatment before this study; scientists have finally developed a treatment made from algae.
Behavior Thinking out of the box Wise men say only fools rush in— researchers show that jellyfish can make (and learn from) that exact mistake. Reference:…
Genetics The Gene That Stings You Scientists from Cornell University demonstrate that a single genetic on/off switch controls the emergence of stinging cells in Cnidarians.
Paleontology Motion in the ocean: how did the earliest animals move? Fossils over 500 million years old may give us insight into the evolutionary origin of animal movement. Reference: Wang, X.,…
Hazards Stretching Stings: How jellyfish can sting without using tentacles Jellyfish can cause painful and dangerous stings, but did you know that some jellyfish can sting without even touching you?
Biology Human impacts Pollution Do pesticides negatively affect moon jellyfish? Do pesticides negatively affect the polyp life stage of moon jellies? Evidence suggests no, at least for tested pesticides.
Biology Ecology Upside-down jellies fire stinging grenades Swimmers of Florida waters report incidences of being stung by the water! The authors set out to determine the cause.
Biology Climate Change Coastal Management Ecology Jellyfish Blooms Could Increase the Risk of Bacteria-Spread Illnesses in Humans and Marine Animals Happy Thanksgiving! With Black Friday right around the corner, it might be surprising to hear that humans aren’t the only…
Biology Clinging, cloning jellyfish: How an old species is coming back with new force On the fourth of July, 2019, happy beach-goers in Rhode Island escaped the directness of the sun by wading into…
Sea Turtles Are you jelly? Citizen scientists find jellyfish to help sea turtles The largest leatherback ever recorded weighed 2,019 pounds, and yet this behemoth lives on a diet composed almost entirely of…
Biology Ecology Physiology Lobster Poop: Way More Interesting Than You’ve Ever Imagined If you’re like most people, you’ve probably never ever given any thought to lobsters and their poop. In contrast, the…
Conference Marine Educator Conference Highlights: Glowing jellyfish, bad petitions, lost sharks & affordable VR An ocean pharmacy made possible by jellyfish, the danger of bad petitions, the importance of understanding 'lost sharks', and affordable…
Climate Change Ocean Acidification Are marine “nuisance” species expected to increase under ocean acidification? Most studies that look at how animals respond to climate change look at species we like - oysters, corals, and…
Biology Developmental Biology Ecology Evolution The Sting of Sex: odd mating adaptations of box jellyfish It might be hard for a box jellyfish to buy into the old adage “sex sells,” especially when their gonads…
Biology Ecology Natural History Geared up jellyfish show scientists that they have more control over their movements than we thought Jellyfish are commonly thought of as passive drifters in the ocean, but a team of researchers are working to change…
Biology Yee-haw! This jellyfish-riding lobster has special appendages to keep clean and be carried on By riding jellyfish, this lobster larvae can travel the high seas, and have easy access to a convenient snack. But…
Biology Climate Change Ecology The seagrass isn’t always greener: how jellyfish and nutrients are impacting seagrass ecosystems Warming oceans and acidic oceans. Nutrient and pollution overload. Melting ice caps and rising sea levels. Jellyfish blooms. Yes, you…