Invasive Species Mediterranean Invasion: The Lionfish How can currents, larvae, and a computer help us predict where lionfish will appear next in the Mediterranean Sea?
Ecology Invaders of the deep: Controlling mesophotic lionfish populations in Bermuda Can we successfully target deep lionfish populations?
Biodiversity Biological oceanography Biology Climate Change Coastal Management Conservation Ecology Fisheries Invasive Species The Circle of Life: Understanding Lionfish Life Cycles We know who's the king of the jungle, but who's the king of the reef? Lionfish may look cool, but…
Invasive Species Could a novel disease help curb the lionfish invasion? Since the first sighting in the 1980s, lionfish have rapidly invaded the waters of the Western Atlantic, the Caribbean, and…
Fisheries Tackling Invasive Lionfish with our Stomachs. As a lover of seafood and the environment, it can be tough to find a sustainable fix for fishy cravings.…
Biology Invasive Species Microbiology Lionfish slime helps ward off diseases We know of many things that protect animals against disease – immune systems and gut bacteria are just the two…
Climate Change Ocean Acidification Are marine “nuisance” species expected to increase under ocean acidification? Most studies that look at how animals respond to climate change look at species we like - oysters, corals, and…