Behavior Southern Right Whales go for a dive How tiny animals are directing whale behavior, and why to protect both!
Behavior Renewable energy is good for people, but what about porpoises? A recent study helps us understand how some marine mammals may be impacted by tidal turbines.
Pollution Sea lions and seals and PFAS, oh my: Location still matters for Australian pups I recently found myself falling down a chemical pollutant rabbit hole. Every news source seemed to be shouting “PFAS chemicals…
Behavior Sperm whales learned from each other to avoid 19th century whalers Is it possible to learn about how whales behaved 200 years ago? A combination of whaling logbooks and mathematical models…
Human impacts Are marine mammals susceptible to COVID-19? Humans aren't the only ones susceptible to COVID-19 and as the virus continues to spread, concern for wildlife is growing.
Behavior Surprising fin whale songs in Hawaii After sifting through thousands of hours of recordings, a team of naval researchers is bringing the previously hidden complexities of…
Behavior The view from a sperm whale’s nose What happens if you place a microphone on the tip of a sperm whale’s nose? Putting anything on the nose…
Behavior Biology Ecology Harmful Algal Bloom Sneeze, Cough, Chuff: Respiratory Irritation in Dolphins We all know what it’s like to get sick and have that irritating cough that just doesn’t seem to go…
Paleontology An ancient dolphin gives a glimpse of the past What can fossilized dolphin skeletons tell us about how whales transitioned from land to sea millions of years ago? New…
Conservation VaquitaCPR: Trying to save the world’s most endangered marine mammal What do you do when the species you’ve been working to save from extinction is down to fewer than 30…
Behavior Minke Boings: A 50-year mystery and the science of listening in the ocean Whale sounds are weird and fascinating, but for a long time scientists weren't even sure that whales made sounds. The…
Ecology Arctic Unicorns: Understanding the past, present, and future of narwhals and their mysterious tusks Why do narwhals have tusks that make them look like unicorns? As climate change continues, what is the fate of…
Coastal Management Protections with a bite: Are toothed whales sheltered by South African Marine Protected Areas? Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are often put into place to protect biodiversity and essential fish stocks, but toothed whales are…
Biology Tagging the deepest diving mammal: the Cuvier’s beaked whale A few years ago, the Cuvier’s beaked whale set the record as the deepest diving mammal. At the time, not…
Biology Sleeping with one eye open: fur seals may help us understand sleep patterns Most mammals need to catch their zzz’s to function properly. Fur seals appear to naturally go through prolonged periods of…
Atmospheric Science Biology Book Review Climate Change Conservation Ecology Evolution Human impacts Physiology Sea Ice Throwing Babies out with the Sea Ice: Ringed Seals Response to Ice Decline As the Earth warms, sea ice declines. What happens to those animals who rely on the ice? Today’s oceanbites looks…
Behavior Biology Natural History Heroic Humpbacks: Orcastrate an Escape While watching a pod of killer whales attacking their prey, scientists noticed a small group of humpback whales come to…