Pollution A century-long record of mercury contamination in seabirds Seabird feathers can tell us how serious mercury pollution in the ocean is.
Biodiversity To Combat World Hunger, Protect Biodiversity Variety is the spice of life – or if you are an ecologist you might say “biodiversity” is the spice…
Pollution Human mercury pollution found at the deepest ocean For many decades, humans have been putting mercury into the ocean, contaminating big fish like tuna and swordfish. But we…
Fisheries Ocean to Table Mercury: a Rising Risk For fish eaters, mercury consumption is an ever-present worry but often pushed to the backs of our minds. But the…
Chemistry What’s in the Hair of a Polar Bear? The accumulation of toxic methylmercury is a serious threat to wildlife all over the world – especially top predators in…
Biology Top predators reveal the extent of mercury pollution in Canadian waters Common loons, walleye, northern pike, and yellow perch play integral roles in ecosystem dynamics and environmental policy decisions. In this…