Fisheries Flight or Freeze: Is The Elusive Toothfish Migratory or Stationary? Is one migration strategy for the toothfish more advantageous than the other?
Biological oceanography Deep-dwellers of the sea affected by clouds in the sky Plankton and fish daily vertical migrations are affected by cloud shadows, a previously undescribed phenomenon.
Biological oceanography Measurements of zooplankton breathing, pooping & peeing? Oh my! While tiny in nature, zooplankton are important in regulating carbon in the ocean. Read on to learn how!
Conservation Gray whales not in great shape Research reveals waning body conditions in gray whales as high mortality period continues.
Behavior Cookiecutter sharks chomp on everything, everywhere From deep-sea crabs to large apex predators near the surface, nothing seems to escape the sharp jaws of cookiecutter sharks.
Sea Turtles Where do baby sea turtles go? Where do baby sea turtles go after hatching on the beach and heading out towards sea? New tracking technology is…
Behavior The Natural GPS Ability of Sharks How are sharks able to migrate so precisely across long-distances in the ocean? This question has long puzzled scientists. New…
Behavior Mysterious Wintertime Travels of Black Guillemots Revealed in Canada The Black Guillemot is a plump little seabird that lives along the Atlantic coast from the Arctic to the Gulf…
Behavior There and back again: Uncovering the mysteries of gray whale migration Gray whales undertake one of the longest migrations of any animal, swimming 12,000 miles round-trip between their northern feeding grounds…
Policy Holistic management: the vital role of Indigenous Peoples in conservation on the high seas This Indigenous Peoples' Day, consider the role of indigenous and local communities in marine conservation and policy. International governing bodies…
Sea Turtles Are you jelly? Citizen scientists find jellyfish to help sea turtles The largest leatherback ever recorded weighed 2,019 pounds, and yet this behemoth lives on a diet composed almost entirely of…
Sharkbites Saturday Tracking the Bay’s Rays: Cownose ray migration along the Atlantic coast If you’ve ever tickled the back of a stingray in an aquarium’s touch tank, you’ve likely introduced yourself to a…
Sharkbites Saturday Homebodies on the move: Documenting partial seasonal migration in mature nurse sharks If I asked you to name a migrating shark, you might list pelagic ocean rovers like the white (Carcharodon carcharias),…
Sharkbites Saturday Citizen Science and Undersea Stars: The Value of Photographs to Global Megafauna Biology Check out this article about how tourist pictures of whale sharks are helping scientists learn about whale shark populations around…
Sharkbites Saturday The Great Migration: Blacktip Sharks Over ten thousand sharks gather off the coast of Palm Beach, Florida in one of the most impressive migrations in…
Human impacts Crude oil cripples sandpiper flights Maggini, I., L.V. Kennedy, A. Macmillan, K.H. Elliott, K. Dean, and C.G. Guglielmo. 2017. Light oiling of feathers increases flight…
Biology Candidate compass genes in fish A team of American researchers use next-generation sequencing to ask: "magnetoreception, how does it work?"
Book Review Beyond Florida-bound: Birds tweak their winter travel plans in response to climate change Seabirds are switching up their annual winter travels in response to climate on to discover how researchers used museum…
Evolution Swashbuckling spiders sailed the high seas Long before the Vikings reached North America, a group of coastal spiders was already sailing around the world using prevailing…
Behavior Book Review Coral Ecology Evolution Parasitism Seagrass Grunts and Gnathiids: One Fish’s Daily Migration to Escape Parasites? Animals move for a number of reasons. The French grunt leaves the coral reefs at night for seagrass. A group…