deep sea Ocean Exploration Top 5 Highlights of Deep Sea Exploration in 2017 What have this year's deep sea exploration expeditions encountered so far? Read more to find out!
Biological oceanography Ocean Acidification 2+ Ocean Exploration Expeditions to Join This Year Ninety-five percent of the ocean is unexplored, but there a few ocean expeditions happening this year that you can join!…
Chemistry Remote Sensing Dawn of the age of Aquarius…total alkalinity measurements While not as exciting as the new era of peace predicted by 5th Dimension, it is pretty cool that scientists…
Science Communication A scientist’s guide to addressing fake science Do scientists have a responsibility to address fake science? If so, what should their role be?
Biological oceanography Noise In the Heart of the Sea: Following the Song of Humpback Whales to Study Migration Every year, humpback whales journey across the ocean. Using passive acoustics to study whale song, scientists are able to follow…