Sea Ice Open ocean polynyas: How these holes in the ice mysteriously appear For decades now scientists have been fascinated by polynyas, holes that appear in the polar sea ice whose causes are…
Behavior Power by the numbers: tiny shrimp generate turbulence in the ocean Imagine hundreds of thousands of tiny shrimp swimming in the ocean. Believe it or not, the combined swimming action of…
Physical oceanography Mixing it up in the Southern Ocean A team of scientists used underwater ocean gliders to measure ocean turbulence and mixing along the Antarctic continental slope and…
Book Review Sea Ice Atlantic confirmed as accomplice in Arctic sea ice loss A team of scientist gathered new evidence from the Arctic Ocean, revealing a new suspect responsible for rapidly melting Arctic…
Biology Book Review Herds of sea monkeys help scientists understand the role of diel vertical migration in ocean mixing Article: Monica M. Wilhelmus and John O. Dabiri. Observations of large-scale fluid transport by laser-guided plankton aggregations. Physics of Fluids, September 30,…