Pollution Impacts of oil spills in the Arctic can last for decades Forty years after an oil spill in the Arctic, the beaches look normal to bare eyes – but are they?
Pollution Adding Oil to the Marine Snow Mix Can oil spills lead to large marine snow events? After the Deepwater Horizon oil spill people noticed large marine snow…
Microbiology A blanket of oil: the role of bacteria in cleaning up after Deepwater Horizon Nearly one million barrels of oil landed on the seafloor after the Deepwater Horizon spill - a feast if bacteria…
Biological oceanography Microbes: The original organic cleaning agents Natural and human caused leakage of oil into the environment is commonplace throughout the world. Scientists are learning how microbes…
Biogeochemistry Oil spill first responders: how tiny algae cultivate oil-degrading bacteria After an oil spill, millions of oil-degrading bacteria are on the scene almost immediately. But how do they survive in…