Parasitism A New Host is a New Life The travels of parasitic sea anemones from the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean.
Behavior Cookiecutter sharks chomp on everything, everywhere From deep-sea crabs to large apex predators near the surface, nothing seems to escape the sharp jaws of cookiecutter sharks.
Parasitism Coming Home to Roost: A case of parasites relying on ancestral DNA to take advantage of a new penguin host species? Parasites are nasty and resilient organisms, often highly specialized to fit their hosts. But sometimes, nature allows a bit of…
Behavior Book Review Coral Ecology Evolution Parasitism Seagrass Grunts and Gnathiids: One Fish’s Daily Migration to Escape Parasites? Animals move for a number of reasons. The French grunt leaves the coral reefs at night for seagrass. A group…
Ecology Parasitism Sex and parasitism on the open sea and in a fish’s mouth. Parisites live in fish mouths and undergo opportunistic sex changes.
Aquaculture Biology Ecology Economy Fisheries Human impacts Parasitism Sunday brunch: Lox with… lice? Lox and lice. Not a combination of critters you envision when planning your Sunday brunch. Unfortunately, an increase in drug…
Biology Parasitism Physiology Deadly Dino’s Copepods dominate the world’s oceans. They are important in the marine food web and help to regulate the global carbon…