Biology Human impacts Pollution Do pesticides negatively affect moon jellyfish? Do pesticides negatively affect the polyp life stage of moon jellies? Evidence suggests no, at least for tested pesticides.
Pollution Flying high: the ospreys are alright! Chesapeake Bay osprey populations were at an all-time low in the 1970’s due in part to pesticides like DDT. Forty…
Chemistry Human impacts Measuring “Roundup” in the Great Barrier Reef Scientists estimated the degradation time for glyphosate, an herbicide in "Roundup", in the Great Barrrier Reef. This is the first…
Biology Chemistry Intense Weight Loss by Migratory Humpback Whales Could Increase Health Risks Posed by Pollutants Australian and Norwegian researchers measured levels of pesticides and PCBs in southern hemisphere humpback whales to find out whether extreme…