Biodiversity How do you share an octillion? Ensuring equitable access to the ocean genome There are 3 octillion species in the ocean. The staggering amount of genetic material these species contain could offer answers…
Sea Turtles Studying Sea Turtles: The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears and More For this Turtle Tuesday, I’m reflecting on time I have spent studying and working for sea turtle conservation.
Book Review Preparing for Research at Sea: Behind the Scenes Research at sea is no small feat! Read this guest post by URI GSO SURFO student Anna Ward about her…
deep sea Ocean Exploration Science Behind the Scenes: The Corps of Exploration on the Exploration Vessel Nautilus What kind of people does it take to do research out at sea? Oceanbites writers Ashley Marranzino and Megan Chen…
Biology Genetics So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish! It’s been an incredible year and a half, but this will be my final regular post with Oceanbites. Thanks for…