Conservation Where there are birds… there are whales? You've probably heard that where there's smoke, there's fire. A new study shows a similar connection between whales and birds.
Sea Turtles Where do baby sea turtles go? Where do baby sea turtles go after hatching on the beach and heading out towards sea? New tracking technology is…
Behavior Studying Leopard Seals in Antarctica Check out this article by guest author Sarah Kienle about her recent research expedition to Antarctica to study leopard seals!
Behavior Biology Book Review Conservation Sea Turtles technology For Sea Turtles, There’s No Place Like Home Tagline: Sea turtles are occasionally released in locations that are not their home areas. But do they remain there? Find…
Conservation Ecology Human impacts Are satellite tags the new dinner bell for harbor seals? Satellite tags are being used to study the foraging behavior of fishes, but in the lab harbor seals have been…
Biology Ecology Daredevil: Chilean devil rays dive to extreme depths and escape without brain freeze Chilean devil rays were previously thought to live near the surface, however, this research reveals they are among the deepest…