Microbiology Sea Ice Diversifies Antarctic Phytoplankton A new study finds that communities of phytoplankton become less diverse and export less carbon as sea ice melts.
Behavior Creatures in the cool lagoon: Are Arctic lagoons the next refuge for ringed seals? Seals need ice for rest and to raise pups, but where can they go in a melting world? Maybe lagoons.
Sea Ice Narwhal Tusks Indicate Changing Mercury Levels in Arctic Waters By analyzing growth rings in the tusks of narwhals, scientists uncover trends in mercury pollution in the Canadian Arctic and…
Climate Change Sea Ice Blue is the New Green: How Melting Sea Ice Might Save Us Billions As Arctic sea ice melts, the ocean absorbs more carbon. Could this actually be a good thing? Researchers in Norway…
Sea Ice Open ocean polynyas: How these holes in the ice mysteriously appear For decades now scientists have been fascinated by polynyas, holes that appear in the polar sea ice whose causes are…
Ecology It’s a cold, cold winter for Arctic phytoplankton Ever wonder what winter is like for marine organisms? What about those that rely on light for growth? In a…
Behavior Bowhead Whales Threatened by a ‘Killer’ The Arctic is experiencing dramatic changes in sea ice. How will this warming affect the marine life? Scientists find there…
Climate Change Skating on Thin Ice Newly developed global climate models show us that Arctic Sea ice may be more unstable than we previously thought. The…
Conservation Ecology Glaciers Antarctic Sea Ice – What do Adélie Penguins have to do with it? In light of global climate change and warming ocean waters, is there any good news? Turns out some Antarctic penguins…
Climate Change Arctic Viruses Infecting sub-Arctic Seals: How Climate Change is Creating Marine Epidemics With all the preparations being made to help human populations get through Covid-19, many are wondering about the effect the…
Ecology Arctic Unicorns: Understanding the past, present, and future of narwhals and their mysterious tusks Why do narwhals have tusks that make them look like unicorns? As climate change continues, what is the fate of…
Biogeochemistry Paleoceanography Physical oceanography Sea Ice Key Role of Sea Ice in Glacial Cycles A recent study using an idealized model finds that changes in Antarctic sea ice and circulation, triggered by atmospheric cooling,…
Physical oceanography Sea Ice What caused a massive hole in Antarctic sea ice? In 2016 and 2017, a massive hole developed in the Antarctic sea ice. Scientists investigated the processes that led to…
Biological oceanography Climate Change Physical oceanography Remote Sensing Sea Ice Phytoplankton Expanding Northward as Arctic Sea Ice Retreats A recent study uses satellite data to show that Arctic sea ice retreat is causing changes in the timing and…
Biological oceanography Millennial algae are not as productive: lazy, or less sea ice opportunities? Why aren't Arctic phytoplankton as productive as they used to be? Is it a lazy millennial thing, or something more…
Biogeochemistry Climate Change Physical oceanography Sea Ice Sea Ice Modifies Biological Processes A recent study investigates the relationship between sea ice variability and phytoplankton growth in climate models. Phytoplankton are responsible for…
Climate Change Physical oceanography Remote Sensing Sea Ice When life gives you global warming, make pancake ice in ocean wave models Sea ice is retreating, the Arctic is opening up, and wave activity is increasing. What does this mean for the…
Climate Change Physical oceanography Sea Ice Sea Ice Drives Global Circulation A recent study uses observational data from the Antarctic to show that sea ice processes help drive the global current…
Atmosphere science Climate Change Sea Ice The Polar Vortex, Bomb Cyclones, and Climate Bomb cyclones, the polar vortex, and climate - they’ve all been in the news in recent years, but how do…
Atmospheric Science Climate Change Physical oceanography Sea Ice Why is Antarctic Sea Ice Growing? Despite increases in global ocean temperatures, long-term trends actually show an increase in Antarctic sea ice extent. There are a…