Ecology Winds of Change: Seabird Displacement A new methodology aims to better measure displacement of seabirds from offshore wind farms.
Plastic Pollution Oh I do like to see inside the sea birds How to look inside sea birds to find plastics… without hurting them?
Pollution A century-long record of mercury contamination in seabirds Seabird feathers can tell us how serious mercury pollution in the ocean is.
Behavior Using acoustics to learn about Pingu As humans forage to find snacks in their fridges, the little penguin forages in the sea, but just how effective…
Conservation Where there are birds… there are whales? You've probably heard that where there's smoke, there's fire. A new study shows a similar connection between whales and birds.
Ecology Seeing the sea to be able to eat Eating with your eyes first is something seabirds also do – but climate change is making this more difficult.
Trophic Ecology Feeling peckish? A diet assessment of a Hawaiian shearwater Evaluating diet from digested stomach content is difficult and can be inconclusive. That’s why scientists from Hawaii DNA sequenced it…
Behavior Mysterious Wintertime Travels of Black Guillemots Revealed in Canada The Black Guillemot is a plump little seabird that lives along the Atlantic coast from the Arctic to the Gulf…
Policy Holistic management: the vital role of Indigenous Peoples in conservation on the high seas This Indigenous Peoples' Day, consider the role of indigenous and local communities in marine conservation and policy. International governing bodies…
Climate Change What’s Killing Seabirds in the Bering Sea? Jones T, Divine LM, Renner H, Knowles S, Lefebvre KA, Burgess HK, et al. (2019) Unusual mortality of Tufted puffins…
Biology Seabird tagging 101 How do we know where seabirds live and eat? Not such an easy question without special technology! Check out this…
Biology Book Review More than just a game of tag: learning about seabird habitat use through tagging studies Tagging seabirds has only been possible with recent developments in technology, but we can learn a ton about their distribution…
Pollution The Difference between Dippers and Divers: Plastic Pollution in Deep-Diving Seabirds Plastic pollution is commonly imagined to be an issue that affects the sea surface. However, many small pieces of plastic…
Conservation Saving seabirds: how mammal management has turned into seabird success Seabirds and invasive species have been a poor mix for centuries, yet new research suggests seabird populations are bouncing back…
Methodology Using seabirds to study squid How do scientists track fast swimming squid in the remote and vast open waters of the Southern Ocean? Probably not…
Book Review Beyond Florida-bound: Birds tweak their winter travel plans in response to climate change Seabirds are switching up their annual winter travels in response to climate on to discover how researchers used museum…
Book Review Climate Change Ecology Species respond differently to climate shifts over time Large-scale climate variably is well-known to have impacts on marine ecosystems. However, the response of species over time is not…