Coastal Management Are seagrasses our climate change superheroes? Researchers use satellite data to assess the carbon sequestration potential of seagrass beds in the Bahamas
Biodiversity The world’s biggest plant: and, hint, it’s not Rafflesia arnoldii Edgeloe JM, Severn-Ellis AA,Bayer PE, Mehravi S, Breed MF, Krauss SL,Batley J, Kendrick GA, Sinclair EA. 2022 Extensive polyploid clonality…
Ecology Sea otter digging promotes eelgrass resilience We don’t appreciate furry friends disrupting our gardens, but in the ocean, otters may be key for eelgrass ecosystem health.
Biogeochemistry Climate Change Coastal Management Modeling Physical oceanography Remote Sensing Seagrass What do remote sensing, machine learning, and statistics have in common? Enhancing the accuracy of seagrass monitoring, for one. Citation: Ha NT, Manley-Harris M, Pham TD, Hawes I. A Comparative Assessment of Ensemble-Based Machine Learning and Maximum Likelihood Methods…
Ecology How does salinity impact fish grazing in seagrass meadows? Seagrass meadows are widely recognized as one of the most productive and diverse marine ecosystems, as they provide a bounty…
Sharkbites Saturday The shark and the side salad Everyone knows all sharks are carnivores. Or are they?
Ecology Tracking predators in seagrass beds Scientists have long recognized that predators are more abundant at lower compared to higher latitudes. Read more to find out…
Ecology Invasive Species Invasive seagrass changes fish community in the US Virgin Islands Seagrass meadows provide food and habitat for a variety of fish species. Juvenile fish are particularly dependent on the meadows,…
Conservation Green vs. Blue: How Green Turtles Might Limit Blue Carbon Storage Green turtle populations are on the rise, which is a good thing, right? There has been recent concern that the…
Climate Change Ecology Local disturbance and global warming unite to make seagrasses taste better to predators Seagrasses form some of the most important habitats in the marine world. Under threat from global climate change as well…
Book Review Climate Change Size Matters: Big Eelgrass Beds Hold More Carbon Oreska MPJ, McGlathery KJ, Porter JH (2017) Seagrass blue carbon spatial patterns at the meadow-scale. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0176630.…
Ecology Seagrasses reduce the risk of disease outbreaks Seagrasses are one of humans’ greatest sidekicks. They are nursery areas for many species including commercially important ones, they protect…
Behavior Book Review Coral Ecology Evolution Parasitism Seagrass Grunts and Gnathiids: One Fish’s Daily Migration to Escape Parasites? Animals move for a number of reasons. The French grunt leaves the coral reefs at night for seagrass. A group…
Biology Coastal Management Ecology Invasive Species Seagrass Seagrass Invasion! Tunicates colonizing seagrass beds impact plant and animal community Seagrass habitats worldwide are in decline due to a number of factors. What happens when an invasive species comes on…
Book Review Ecology Evolution Seagrass Seagrass Fights Back Against Grazing! If you were a plant, like seagrass, how would you prevent other creatures from eating you? Do you even try?…
Conservation Ecology Seagrass It’s a TRAP! Predators help trap carbon in coastal sediments Vegetated coastal ecosystems, such as salt marshes, can trap and store carbon for millennia. This perspective investigates how the effects…
Climate Change Coastal Management Conservation Human impacts Seagrass Seagrass, Disturbance, and the Blue Carbon Cycle Seagrass beds bury carbon incredibly well! What happens to that carbon when you uproot, plow through, or otherwise disturb seagrasses?…
Biology Climate Change Coastal Management Ecology Harmful Algal Bloom Our Saving Grazers Think critical ecosystems are threatened by an algal take over? Not so fast, grazers may have something to say about…
Conservation Genetics Human impacts Long live the seagrass! The relationship between human disturbance and genetic diversity The Mediterranean seagrass plays very important ecological functions but human disturbances are thought to be one of the main causes…
Book Review Climate Change Ecology Seagrass The Northward Expansion: Tropical Fish Settling the Temperate Seagrass Prairie How will northward shifting tropical species interact with the temperate habitats they encounter? An example from seagrass habitat in the…