Fisheries Over or Under? Skate and Ray Fishing Skates and rays are being caught at unprecedented rates in the Northeast Atlantic.
Sharkbites Saturday A Tree of Life Project With Some Serious Bite If you have any intererst in shark anatomy, ecology or evolution, find out about a must-see website designed by the…
Conservation Policy Sharkbites Saturday How just 3% saves 50%: Small expansions of protected areas in “shark hot spots” could save HALF of currently endangered Sharks, Skates, and Rays The old adage of, "work smarter, not harder" even applies to shark on to learn how targeted expansion of…
Ecology Fisheries Human impacts Pollution Cartilaginous Conundrum: Are Sharks and Skates Safe to Eat? While smooth dogfish may not be on your list of favorite seafood, cartilaginous fish (mainly sharks and skates) may increasingly…