Ecology Prey variety is key to coexistence of octopuses and sea stars At family gatherings, relatives often compete for that last bite of turkey or crescent roll. How do predators living in…
Ecology Fisheries SURFO Special: Keep clam and carry on! Comparing diet differences in awning clams and quahogs Every summer, the URI Graduate School of Oceanography hosts undergraduate research interns called SURFOs. In this post, learn about Sommer…
Book Review Sharkbites Saturday Stuck in the middle with you: The trophic ecology of Caribbean reef sharks and large teleost coral reef predators We often think of sharks as the top of the ocean food web, chowing down on seals and big fish…
Biogeochemistry Biology Climate Change Whale skin samples track changes in ocean biogeochemistry Article: Ruiz-Cooley RI, Koch PL, Fiedler PC, McCarthy MD (2014) Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes from Top Predator Amino Acids Reveal…
Ecology Penguins can rock their bodies without eating high trophic level prey Prey of a higher trophic level does not necessarily translate to a higher body mass in rockhopper penguins. Read more…