Behavior Biological oceanography Biology Noise Sounds, Stress, and Stingrays Have you ever wondered if stingrays can hear noise? Sharks, skates, and rays have multiple sensory organs to help then…
Behavior A game of shark and ray: Rays act differently when sharks are around As our oceans change, we don’t really know what the current decline of sharks means for stingrays, or for the…
Conservation Policy Sharkbites Saturday How just 3% saves 50%: Small expansions of protected areas in “shark hot spots” could save HALF of currently endangered Sharks, Skates, and Rays The old adage of, "work smarter, not harder" even applies to shark on to learn how targeted expansion of…
Biology Chemistry Like Mother, Like Son: Stingrays Pass Toxic Pollutants on to Their Offspring Animals in early stages of development are particularly susceptible to harmful effects of toxic pollutants. For this reason, the transfer…