Behavior The Spotted Shrimp and its fascinating symbiotic interactions with sea anemones and reef fishes Learn about the small, well-camouflaged spotted shrimp, and the surprisingly important role it plays on coral reefs.
Biological oceanography deep sea Genetics How do symbiotic relationships with bacteria help snails adapt to the deep sea? Deep-sea snails obtain bacterial symbionts from the surrounding environment, allowing them to survive in harsh environments
Ecology Sea Turtles The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galax-Sea This team of scientists is studying microscopic organisms to help us understand more about the movement of sea turtles.
Evolution Genetics Shedding Light on the Origin of Clam Photosymbiosis You may have heard of photosymbiosis in corals. But did you know that some species of clams also host photosynthetic…
deep sea Zombie worms in whale bones Looking for a cool Halloween costume? Dress up as a zombie worm that lives under the sea and injects acid…
Biology How the anglerfish gets its light Deep-sea anglerfishes are known for their prominent glowing lure extending from their heads. Bacteria are behind the scenes, enabling anglerfish…
Behavior How to clean a sea turtle Could you imagine if you had to actively seek out showering stations to stay clean? For sea turtles, they must…
Biology Odd Couples ♥ Tales of Symbiosis in the Ocean Our Sea of Love theme week kicks off with tales of symbiotic partnerships in the ocean. [Feature image from Wikimedia]