Fisheries The Fish That Could Live Forever What if we could preserve endangered species so they never go extinct?
Conservation engineerings The secret lives of real baby turtles… and fake ones? Clabough EBD, Kaplan E, Hermeyer D, Zimmerman T, Chamberlin J, Wantman S (2022) The secret life of baby turtles:…
Restoration SURFO SPECIAL: Egregious Erosion Erosion is eating away our coasts. What are scientists doing to stop it?
deep sea technology Using Sound as Sight: acoustic technology finds hidden deep sea creatures A new device allows researchers to visualize organisms while they are buried in the seafloor.
Conservation Fisheries Human impacts Sharkbites Saturday Sharks vs. Fishing Vessels: The fatal overlap Article Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries. Nuno Queiroz, Nicolas E. Humphries, et al. Nature…
Methodology Could sponges replace expensive ocean tech? The ocean is a big place and trying to study all of the animals living there can take a lot…
deep sea Into the deep: Deep sea mining is upon us, whether you would risk it or not While we have a lot to discover about the deep sea, we do know that in the depths of the…
Biology Saving the Blue Bloods: Horseshoe Crab Edition We use horseshoe crab blood to test every FDA approved drug given to humans. Yet with horseshoe crab populations dropping…
Plastic Pollution A boon to ocean conservation? Certain fungi can degrade marine plastics Brunner I, Fischer M, Ru ̈thi J, Stierli B, Frey B (2018) Ability of fungi isolated from plastic debris floating…
ocean engineering Swimming with the fishes Studying organisms in their natural habitat is tricky business (and not in the GoodFellas sense). A recent paper from MIT…
technology That idea doesn’t suck: Hitchiking fish inspires a robotic suction disk How do scientists build better suction cups? Turn to nature's hitchikers for inspiration! Read on to see how remoras inspired…
Methodology Using seabirds to study squid How do scientists track fast swimming squid in the remote and vast open waters of the Southern Ocean? Probably not…
Book Review ocean engineering technology OceanTech: profiling the sub-surface via Argo floats The final post of theme week introduces the Argo array, an international effort to understand the ocean's sub-surface via technological…
technology TBT Old School Ocean Tech: Simple Sampling Gear Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that make it all worth it! Well, it may just be me, but…
Biological oceanography Remote Sensing Studying plankton from an atmospheric satellite Scientists found a way to repurpose data from an atmospheric satellite to study the tiny creatures at the base of…
ocean engineering Sub sea ice technology aims to expand Arctic plankton surveys A German research team tested out three devices for studying plankton in Arctic sea ice. These new methods might allow…
Conservation Fisheries Human impacts technology Technology for Turtles: TurtleWatch Program to Protect Sea Turtles and Assist Fishermen A technology that both benefits fishermen and helps prevent sea turtle bycatch? Yes, please! The great news is that it…
Alternative Energy Chemistry Geology Remote Sensing technology Need help counting bubbles? Now you can use sound! Bubbles elicit scenes of childhood summers playing on the front stoop or backyard. On the other hand, put bubbles at…
Biology Ecology Human impacts The problem with data sets: Cuvier’s beaked whales vs. Navy acoustic testing Congratulations on the longest and deepest dive EVER! Please, ignore the regular acoustic testing…. The elusive Curvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius…
Chemistry technology DIY Science: Scientists create a LED photometer that can measure the pH of seawater with an accuracy of 0.01, for under $50 Do you own an aquarium with high-maintenance saltwater fish that are happy within a narrow pH range? Maybe you just…