Survey October Theme Week Survey Let us know what you'd like to learn more about: marine benthic ecology, zoos and aquariums, or research tech! Just…
Survey August Theme Week Survey Hello! Theme Weeks are making a return in August! The authors would love to cover a topic of interest to…
Pollution Adding Oil to the Marine Snow Mix Can oil spills lead to large marine snow events? After the Deepwater Horizon oil spill people noticed large marine snow…
Microbiology It’s getting cold in here! As we here into winter, we notice changes taking place in nature all around us. But what do microbes in…
Science Communication Survey January Theme Week Survey Dear Readers, We’d like to cover a topic that interests you for one week during January! Let us know what…
Survey December 2017 Theme Week Survey Hi, Readers! We would like to dedicate one week in December to cover a topic of interest to you! Please…
Book Review Plastic Paper or plastic? Policies inspired by research to find a solution to plastic pollution Paper or plastic? In a lot of grocery stores, this is an innocent question, but recently it’s become a controversial…
Methodology Using seabirds to study squid How do scientists track fast swimming squid in the remote and vast open waters of the Southern Ocean? Probably not…
Book Review Pollution Oil Spill Snorkels: Eating oil, breathing electrons, saving the world? Oil spills are not great for the environment, but some bacteria thrive on eating oil. Scientists have been researching ways…
Survey Theme Week Survey: July 2017 Hello Readers! We want to write about topics that interest you! That’s why we dedicate one week each month to…
technology TBT Old School Ocean Tech: Simple Sampling Gear Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that make it all worth it! Well, it may just be me, but…
technology Under the Sea(floor): Ocean Drilling and Scientific Discovery Deep, dark, and mysterious, the ocean seafloor contains clues and records of past life and climates on earth. Understanding the…
Survey June 2017 Theme Week The Oceanbites Team wants to know what you want to read about for a whole week next month!
Survey Theme Week Survey: May 2017 The writers want to hear from you! Take our 1 question survey so we know which topic you'd like us…
Atmospheric Science Biology Book Review Climate Change Conservation Ecology Evolution Human impacts Physiology Sea Ice Throwing Babies out with the Sea Ice: Ringed Seals Response to Ice Decline As the Earth warms, sea ice declines. What happens to those animals who rely on the ice? Today’s oceanbites looks…
Climate Change It’s a trap! African penguins impacted by climate change Young penguins living along the southwestern coast of Africa typically follow cool, nutrient rich water to find food as they…
Survey Theme Week Survey: March 2017 Hello! We, the Oceanbites Team, want to know what you want us to read more about! Please take the survey…
Biology Conservation Coral deep sea Ecology Ocean Exploration Science Communication Giving Thanks for the Ocean: The gratitude of the writers Today is the day after Thanksgiving, but I think the spirit of gratitude should live on. Many of the other…
Book Review Science Communication The sappiest oceanbites article you may ever read: one author’s ponderings about gratitude for the oceans When I first saw the email stating that the oceanbites theme week would revolve around why we are thankful for…
Biology Rocky Beauty Nestled in Salem Sound Thanksgiving is a time for reflection and gratitude. This month, I want to talk about my own journey with the…