Coral deep sea A Long-Distance Relationship : Deep Sea Corals and the Ocean Surface Temporal changes in food production and tidal currents in the surface ocean affect feeding behaviour of deep sea corals.
Sea-level Rise Sea Level, Tides, and Coastal Flooding Are areas with larger tidal ranges more likely to flood?
Microbiology Oxygen Tied up in Tides A new study connects ocean tides with the oxygenation of our atmosphere.
Undergraduate Research Is coastline seaweed in danger? Seaweed growing on shores must survive between tides. But climate change may threaten those hardy species.
Climate Change Human impacts Physical oceanography Remote Sensing The Need for Speed: The velocities of tides in the Mid-Atlantic Every 12 hours and 25 minutes, a rush of water move into the coast to create a high tide. How…
deep sea Telling time in the deep sea Can animals tell time in the pitch black of the deep-sea? Find out how researchers Dr. Audrey Mat and others…