Climate Change Changing winds drive more ocean heat capture A team of scientists look to the Southern Ocean to show where and why the ocean has been storing extra…
Climate Change Physical oceanography The Atlantic Ocean is the Culprit in the Case of the Cooling Eastern Pacific A classic climate "Whodunit"? Can researchers get to the bottom of the mystery of the cooling eastern Pacific Ocean, three…
Climate Change Physical oceanography Can the ocean take the heat? Things heat up as scientists investigate deeper to find out how much heat the ocean can take.
Climate Change Indian Ocean keeps the Pacific cool Inter-ocean heat transport through Indonesia’s archipelago offloads excess heat from the tropical Pacific to the Indian Ocean. Findings emphasize the…
Book Review Climate Change Global temperatures: an uphill battle of warm vs. cold An illusional and fanciful pause in global warming has climate change skeptic buzzing. Understanding the decadal oscillations of natural climate…
Climate Change Slightly Refreshing News In A Time of Drought Two hot items in climate science today are the North American drought and the decade-long warming hiatus. This study finds…
Climate Change Global Warming Hiatus? Blame the Atlantic! From the early 1990s on, the Earth has been experiencing a global warming hiatus, where the post-industrial warming trend has…
Climate Change A Cool Breeze Amidst Global Warming Climate scientists have affirmed that we are currently in a warming hiatus, similar to the 1940s - 1970s, where global…