Science Communication From Intern to Ocean Advocate: An Unforgettable Summer in Hawaii A paid job as a marine biologist can be competitive but keep your head up and keep your heart strong!
Human impacts Catastrophic consequences of ship collisions on marine life All too often, ships collide with marine animals out at sea. Learn more about these collisions and how they occur.
Conservation Where there are birds… there are whales? You've probably heard that where there's smoke, there's fire. A new study shows a similar connection between whales and birds.
Conservation The bigger the better? Larger North Atlantic right whales tend to birth more babies North Atlantic right whales are growing less and having fewer babies. Could stress be the cause?
Policy Dynamic Ocean Management: Saving Whales and Shipping Responsibly This new study examines how blue whales can be protected while still using marine resources via dynamic ocean management.
Conservation Gray whales not in great shape Research reveals waning body conditions in gray whales as high mortality period continues.
Behavior Science Reveals Sperm Whale Bro-Fest In the mammal world, males tend to not like each other very much. Male-only social groups are rare. The…
Conservation From Table to Tour Boat: How Our Perception of Large Marine Animals Has Changed Over Time Whether they elicit feelings of awe, admiration, or fear, there’s just something fascinating about large animals. In the Western world,…
Neurobiology Why don’t whales have strokes? Whales can't breathe underwater. But even though whale brains should be damaged by the lack of oxygen, they aren't. Scientists…
Ecology Arctic Unicorns: Understanding the past, present, and future of narwhals and their mysterious tusks Why do narwhals have tusks that make them look like unicorns? As climate change continues, what is the fate of…
Ecology Sinking Alligator Carcasses into the Deep Ocean to See What Eats Them The Deep Unknown The deep ocean is an alien world. Life here must contend with crushing pressures, near-freezing temperatures,…
Coastal Management Protections with a bite: Are toothed whales sheltered by South African Marine Protected Areas? Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are often put into place to protect biodiversity and essential fish stocks, but toothed whales are…
Hazards Threats to Cetaceans: There’s More than Meets the Eye Researchers spent seven years specifically studying deceased, stranded cetaceans along the coastline of the Canary Islands in Spain to figure…
Noise Can you hear me now? Investigating sound across the Atlantic Ocean The ocean is full of sounds, ranging from marine mammal conversations to man-made noises used to investigate the seafloor. Ocean…
Biology a Whale’s tale Age estimations of marine mammals are traditionally made with a single tooth. A group of scientists from Australia think they…
Biology Ecology Physiology Elastic nerves make rorqual whales the Mister Fantastic of the ocean A team of researchers have discovered extremely elastic nerves in the mouth and tongue of rorqual whales. This is highly…
Biology Coastal Management Evolution Human impacts Modeling Baleen whales have a bone to pick with noise pollution CT scans of the skull of a beached whale has helped a pair of researchers figure out how baleen whales…