Behavior Megamouth Sharks in the Moonlight New information has come to the light on what megamouth sharks do everyday.
Biodiversity A who’s who of the parasites of Arctic zooplankton Scientists learn about the diversity of parasites that infect some of the Ocean's smallest critters
Ecology A zooplankton’s perspective on circadian behavior Scientists explore how zooplankton perceive light when they migrate throughout the day.
Ecology Baby zooplankton are surprisingly common in the Arctic winter It’s hard to grow up during the polar night—but a lot of zooplankton do it anyway!
Biological oceanography Ocean time series brings new, unexpected insights into ocean carbon export Analysis of a 30-year ocean time series reveals that carbon export to the deep ocean is maintained despite warming waters
Plastic Pollution Let them eat plastic – Animals eating microplastic could choke the ocean Plastic pollution may bring to mind big images - dead birds, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and beaches filled with…
Evolution A shell of a ride: Pteropod survival through past mass extinction events and insights into present climate change By looking at DNA and fossils of pelagic sea snails, Dr. Peijnenburg and colleagues are beginning to understand how this…
Fisheries It’s a match! Cod do best when paired with copepods What makes or breaks the young life of a cod? Maybe it's food. Researchers investigated the overlap between young cod…
Microbiology What your poop says about your diet: Iron in the ocean is controlled by zooplankton diet and poop Have you ever had weird colored poop? Just like your poop can tell you what you've been eating lately, zooplankton…
Climate Change Catch prey while the sun shines – Herring grow bigger when they can see their food It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a sea creature in possession of a home in higher latitudes (further from…
Ecology I like to move it, move it: Krill boogie down all year Krill, the tiny organisms that feed the Southern Ocean, have long been thought to be pretty mellow in the winter.…
Ocean Acidification Wandering copepods can’t find their way home in acidic oceans Journal source: Smith, J. N., C. Richter, K. Fabricius, and A. Cornils. 2017. Pontellid copepods affected by ocean acidification: A…
Glaciers Connecting production to glacial meltwater As sea-ice disappears, many scientists predict that primary production will increase in high latitude regions. A Danish group adds some…
ocean engineering Mucus flux and other amazing discoveries with underwater cameras Scientists have been taking pictures underwater since the turn of the 19th century. But only recently have researchers and engineers…
Ecology Penguins can rock their bodies without eating high trophic level prey Prey of a higher trophic level does not necessarily translate to a higher body mass in rockhopper penguins. Read more…
Biology Book Review Herds of sea monkeys help scientists understand the role of diel vertical migration in ocean mixing Article: Monica M. Wilhelmus and John O. Dabiri. Observations of large-scale fluid transport by laser-guided plankton aggregations. Physics of Fluids, September 30,…