Behavior The Spotted Shrimp and its fascinating symbiotic interactions with sea anemones and reef fishes Learn about the small, well-camouflaged spotted shrimp, and the surprisingly important role it plays on coral reefs.
Behavior Crikey! “Aussie” humpback whales take a pit stop at the Gold Coast Spa to relax and unwind with a body scrub Australian scientists have documented a new behaviour in humpback whales referred to as “rolling”.
Behavior Ecology Look Ma, No Eyes! : Sponge Larval Dispersal and Settlement How do sponge larvae use light to navigate the ocean when they don’t even have eyes?
Behavior Where do sea snakes go? Researchers use acoustic telemetry to track the movement patterns of sea snakes.
Behavior How do sea anemones control their stings? Biologists find that a single gene contributes to differences in stinging behavior
Behavior Researchers watched a ton of parrotfish in their sleep to uncover sleeping patterns and nighttime habitat use It’s not creepy if it’s for science!
Behavior Home is where the color is: Anemonefishes prefer unbleached sea anemones How do fish respond to bleached sea anemones?
Behavior Using acoustics to learn about Pingu As humans forage to find snacks in their fridges, the little penguin forages in the sea, but just how effective…
Behavior Nemo’s neighbours: anemonefish recognize other fish by their stripes Clownfish treat other reef fish differently depending on their colour patterns
Behavior Blue shark behaviors revealed using satellite tags Satellite tags help us better understand how different blue shark populations move and behave.
Behavior Burrow Fever! Bioturbation and Marine Heatwaves Cockles' burrowing behavior changes drastically in response to marine heatwaves!
Behavior Squid camouflage is awesome! For the first time, scientists have spotted squids matching their body color to their environment
Behavior Shark Soirée: Do great whites make social connections? Many animals rely on social interactions with other members of their species for information…but do great white sharks?
Behavior Wandering Whales: How Mothers and Their Calves Communicate The ocean is a dangerous place for whale mothers and calves. How do they communicate when trying to covertly travel?
Behavior Devastating Depredation: When sharks eat anglers’ catches Many people can imagine shark-related dangers to humans, but for anglers, a shark simply eating fish can be a threat.
Behavior Renewable energy is good for people, but what about porpoises? A recent study helps us understand how some marine mammals may be impacted by tidal turbines.
Behavior Dolphins share their meals too! Food brings dolphins together - but is it to encourage communal hunting or to have sex?
Behavior Gobies get by with a little help from their friends Lower stress levels due to safety in numbers might limit the fish's ability to camouflage.
Behavior Accommodating Anemones: Housing more than just clownfish Clownfish and sea anemones have a famous relationship, but did you know other fishes also use these stinging animals?
Behavior Creatures in the cool lagoon: Are Arctic lagoons the next refuge for ringed seals? Seals need ice for rest and to raise pups, but where can they go in a melting world? Maybe lagoons.