Alternative Energy

Waves of the Future

Want, Andrew, Waldman, Simon, Burrows, Michael T, Side, Jonathan C, Venugopal, Vengatesan, Bell, Michael C. 2024. Predicted ecological consequences of wave energy extraction and climate-related changes in wave exposure on rocky shore communities, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 81, 7 (1263–1281).

Waving Hello

Wave energy shows a lot of promise in helping the world phase out fossil fuels. The technology continues to be perfected while sites along high energy coastlines are mapped out. The west coast of the UK exposed to the Atlantic Ocean is a prime candidate with testing already being performed here.

Attenuators are offshore converters currently being used. They resemble segmented snakes that float on the surface, running perpendicular to the incoming waves. As a wave passes, each segment rises and falls, generating electricity.

Attenuator wave energy convertor off the coast of Orkney, UK.

However, the impacts of this infrastructure on the ocean itself is not well assessed. So far, much of these analyses use prior studies from offshore wind farms. This certainly can give an idea on how the local ecosystem may react regarding anchoring of the structures to the seabed. Yet, this ignores arguably the largest impact wave converters will have; a decrease of wave height on the shore.

This is important because these high energy systems heavily influence the biological community on rocky shores. Waves create a gradient of organisms both horizontally and vertically across the shore line based on their tolerance to the wave action. If the wave height reaching the shore is changed permanently, this can have cascading effects on the community, forever altering it. The question now is, is wave energy worth the risk in order to combat climate change?

Researchers set out to predict how rocky shore communities would change if wave energy converters were installed on the west coast of the Orkney islands, north of Scotland. Not only that, but compare the scenario to how the shore would change under predicted climate change scenarios with increasing wave energy in the next 25 years.

Rocky shore of Orkney, north of Scotland by John Haslam.

Either Or

Three scenarios were assessed.

  1. Energy Extraction (EE)
    1. Energy converters are installed along the coast
  2. Climate Change (CC)
    1. Climate change increases the wave energy
  3. Energy Extraction + Climate Change (EE + CC)
    1. Energy converters are installed and climate change increases the wave action

Each scenario demonstrated varied impacts across the shores assessed and the organisms present. This is best demonstrated by figure 1 which quantifies the risk of change in abundance for studied organisms. The larger the bar, the greater risk of change. Overall, Energy Extraction had the least predicted amount of change in abundance while Climate Change had the most.

Figure 1: Predicted responses of rocky shore organisms to change in wave height for scenarios (a): EE- energy extraction, (b): CC- climate change, and (c): CC+EE- energy extraction and climate change. The y-axis characterizes responses as a risk of change in either direction. Positive changes are dark colored bars while negative changes are hollow white bars. The larger the bar, the more risk of change (Want et al. 2024).

Worth the risk?

Installing wave energy converters along the west coast of the UK would undoubtedly change the wave height reaching the shore and therefore the biological community present. However, researchers showed that climate change would have significantly more impact. It seems that installing the converters is the lesser of two evils with the combination of Energy Extraction + Climate Change only having moderate impacts on the coast.

These results are dependent on the accuracy of climate models and how wave height will change as the climate does. Yet, this information helps provide a baseline analysis of wave energy converters on rocky shore ecosystems. This is an important tool for marine management to make informed decisions to find the best of both worlds. Further research can build upon this model to make it more accurate and help make informed decisions on how we can deploy this wave technology to help decarbonize the energy industry.

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