Plastic Pollution A boon to ocean conservation? Certain fungi can degrade marine plastics Brunner I, Fischer M, Ru ̈thi J, Stierli B, Frey B (2018) Ability of fungi isolated from plastic debris floating…
Plastic Pollution There’s plastic in your tap water, beer, and table salt Kosuth M, Mason SA, Wattenberg EV (2018) Anthropogenic contamination of tap water, beer, and sea salt. PLoS ONE 13(4): e0194970.…
Plastic Pollution Turtles in the Trash: How microplastics are washing up where turtles breed Like plastic bags and other larger plastic pieces, these insidious micro particles can make their way into animal digestive tracts…
Plastic Pollution Important oyster-producing region of British Columbia swamped with microplastics If you grew up in the developed world, chances are you have an intimate relationship with plastic. Your lunch…
Plastic Pollution A Swirling Sea of Plastic Check out this article detailing how currents and eddies in the ocean help determine plastic pollution distribution!
Plastic Pollution Microbe Mishap: Microplastic Pollution on the Coast of China Marine plastic pollution has vast negative effects on the environment and human health. Microbes on the plastic may be transferring…
Conservation Coral Human impacts Plastic Pollution Plastics increase disease risks for corals You have probably heard about the troubles coral reefs are facing and about the detrimental effects of plastic pollution in…
Coastal Management Plastic Pollution Wake up and smell the marine awareness…on social media?! Close your eyes and imagine your favorite beach, or a memorable coast you have visited, completely free of litter-that’s right,…
Book Review Plastic Paper or plastic? Policies inspired by research to find a solution to plastic pollution Paper or plastic? In a lot of grocery stores, this is an innocent question, but recently it’s become a controversial…
Plastic Pollution Toxicology Microplastics demystified: a review examining how these tiny plastics act in pollutant transfer Paper: Lohmann, R. Microplastics Are Not Important for the Cycling and Bioaccumulation of Organic Pollutants in the Oceans—but Should Microplastics…
Physical oceanography Plastic Pollution The end of the line for ocean plastics A team of researchers set out on an Expedition around the Arctic Ocean to prove what scientists have long suspected:…
Plastic Pollution First evidence of plastic microfibre consumption by deep-sea animals For the first time ever, scientists have found evidence that deep sea animals are actually consuming plastic microfibres. Read more…
Conservation Ecology Fisheries Hazards Human impacts Plastic Pollution Sea Turtles Let’s Ghost Fishing for Halloween! Ghost fishing is ghastly because it creates underwater graveyards for wildlife. The authors covered here wrote a new review of…
Behavior Biology Ecology Plastic Small fish dine on small plastics and that’s a BIG problem We’ve heard a lot about plastics in the ocean, but a new study shows the ecological implications of fish eating…
Book Review Coastal Management Conservation Hazards Human impacts Methodology Modeling Plastic Pollution Remote Sensing technology To I.D. Debris: LIDAR as a tool to identify trash on the beach Scientists may have a new option for figuring out how much debris litters our beaches and what it all is!…
Biology Human impacts Plastic Pollution Plankton are eating plastic! Zooplankton, the tiny animals that make up the base of marine food webs, are ingesting microplastics. Given the widespread abundance…
Biology Ecology Human impacts Plastic Pollution Sea Turtles The new fad diet for sea turtles? Plastics Paper: Wedemeyer, K. R., George, S., James, H. B., Peterson, T. D., Wicksten, M. K. and Plotkin, P. T. (2015). High…
Plastic Pollution Tiny plastic pieces accumulate in a huge marine filter-feeder Scientists find microplastic pieces in the intestines of a baleen whale for the first time.
Book Review Coral Human impacts Plastic Pollution Corals consume microplastics! Talk about an unhealthy diet! The dangerous diet fad among marine organisms is spreading! New study shows corals consume microplastics.