Fisheries The Fish That Could Live Forever What if we could preserve endangered species so they never go extinct?
Fisheries Over or Under? Skate and Ray Fishing Skates and rays are being caught at unprecedented rates in the Northeast Atlantic.
Fisheries Flight or Freeze: Is The Elusive Toothfish Migratory or Stationary? Is one migration strategy for the toothfish more advantageous than the other?
Fisheries You Are What You Eat: The Difference Between Salmon and Seals Salmon farming could surprisingly have severe consequences for fur seals.
Fisheries Do Not Touch the Lobster The Norway lobster fishery can be brought back from the brink of collapse.
Fisheries Harnessing the Sting! The Biotechnical Uses of Jellyfish Jellyfish are constantly caught, but hardly used. Jellyfish biology offers a host of exciting opportunities for humans to utilize!
Fisheries Predicting the future of fish Scientists use climate model data to predict how fisheries will change on 10-year timescale
Fisheries Listening in on fishing vessels Detecting boat noise on offshore reefs may help manage a recovering fishery.
Fisheries Shine bright like a gillnet Fishing mostly depends on gillnets that catch many organisms besides fish, but we can change gillnets for the better…
Fisheries Fishing communities on the up and up We hear a lot of stories of decline and loss in fishing communities. One California cove is rewriting this story.
Fisheries A Worrisome Species Shift in the Humboldt Current By examining ancient fish bones buried in sediments, researchers caution about a potential collapse of anchovy fisheries.
Fisheries Women gleaners in Mauritius: How COVID-19 and an oil spill amplified gender inequalities in fisheries The compounding crises of COVID-19 and an oil spill highlight the systemic inequalities faced by women in fisheries.
Fisheries The Case of the Functioning Fishery Chile's surf clam fisheries have faced a rocky past-- but one community's fishery has persisted throughout it all. How?
Fisheries Sheepshead, a lesson from the past What happens when archeology and science intertwine to teach us a lesson from the past? Read on to find out…
Biology Ecology Fisheries Human impacts Far reaching microplastics: They may be closer than you think We all know plastic pollution is a growing problem in our oceans harming sea creatures and covering beaches. What is…
Fisheries Filmmakers focus the lens on fish Often, we tell fishery science stories through peer-reviewed articles, press releases, and (ahem) blog posts. But can we use film…
Alternative Energy Aquaculture Climate Change Ecology Economy Fisheries Human impacts ocean engineering technology Fishing or Farming: Can Fisheries and Offshore Wind Farms Coexist? Last month, President Biden announced that the US will be turning to offshore wind farms (OWFs) to meet the growing…
Fisheries Here’s the “Catch” with the COVID-19 Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic brought changes to global fisheries. Using a Maine lobstering community as an example for global small fisheries,…
Conservation Fisheries Human Health Human impacts Methodology Policy Sea Turtles High-TEK Turtle Monitoring: Lessons from Traditional Ecological Knowledge In this new study carried out in Colombia, traditional ecological knowledge helps to shine a light on sea turtle and…
Coastal Management Conservation Fisheries Surf and TURF(s): A Cry for Kelp How does kelp harvesting affect kelp populations? How can scientists use this information to better inform management policies?