Invasive Species Mediterranean Invasion: The Lionfish How can currents, larvae, and a computer help us predict where lionfish will appear next in the Mediterranean Sea?
Coastal Management Invasive Species Rat infestations: how rats affect the ocean Rats can be found almost anywhere on Earth, but what are they doing to the ocean?
Invasive Species A Timely Tool for the Race Against Sun Corals How Brazilian researchers are racing the clock to fight the invasion of sun corals and globalization with digital tools.
Invasive Species Predicting the Future: How will Invasive Species deal with Our Changing Oceans? Our oceans are getting warmer and more acidic. Here's how aquatic plants are adjusting.
Biodiversity Biological oceanography Biology Climate Change Coastal Management Conservation Ecology Fisheries Invasive Species The Circle of Life: Understanding Lionfish Life Cycles We know who's the king of the jungle, but who's the king of the reef? Lionfish may look cool, but…
Aquaculture Biodiversity Biological oceanography Coastal Management Conservation Human impacts Invasive Species No language bounds in the ocean What happens when an animal is found outside of its native range? Does it take over? How does it get…
Behavior Biological oceanography Chemistry Invasive Species Too Slick to Stick Have you ever walked down a dock to look at the boats? How about under the boat? The sides? Chances…
Biology Ecology Invasive Species Increasing resilience, one cannibal at a time When a species invades a new habitat they must learn to cope with previously unknown environmental stressors. Read on for…
Fisheries Invasive Species Eating invasive species and the future of sustainable fisheries Invasive species are a global phenomenon, and have been since modern human society became a global phenomenon. Many of them…
Invasive Species Could a novel disease help curb the lionfish invasion? Since the first sighting in the 1980s, lionfish have rapidly invaded the waters of the Western Atlantic, the Caribbean, and…
Biodiversity Coastal Management Conservation Ecology Genetics genomics Invasive Species Methodology Policy Hidden diversity in ships’ ballast tanks Did you know that organisms can live in the ballast tanks of cargo ships? Ballast tanks are used by ships…
Behavior Conservation Invasive Species Robofish To The Rescue! When mosquitofish were introduced all over the world to control mosquito populations nobody thought they would have such a negative…
Invasive Species Navigating historical passages of marine invasive species Invasive species are a persistent threat to marine ecosystems. In this post, authors explore the historical context of marine invasive…
Climate Change Invasive Species Agricultural Stewardship Could Prevent Invasive Species Takeover Downstream Phragmites australis, or Common Reed, is a marine grass likely introduced to North America from Eurasia in the late…
Ecology Invasive Species Invasive seagrass changes fish community in the US Virgin Islands Seagrass meadows provide food and habitat for a variety of fish species. Juvenile fish are particularly dependent on the meadows,…
Invasive Species Fantastic Invaders and Where to Find Them (Galapagos Edition) Alien species are a commonly known and growing global concern. Increasingly transported to new locations and often following significant and…
Ecology Invasive Species Aliens in the kelp forests – community ecology and Miso soup In the plant world, competition between species is almost always over space. Space dictates how much sunlight, nutrients, and potential mates…
Invasive Species Builders or Opportunistic Squatters? Invasive Species Drives Ecosystem Change on Georges Bank See article here: Tunicates are underappreciated seafloor animals. Living sedentary lives and resembling some kind of marine slime, they…
Biology Invasive Species Microbiology Lionfish slime helps ward off diseases We know of many things that protect animals against disease – immune systems and gut bacteria are just the two…
Behavior Book Review Climate Change Ecology Invasive Species With A Little Help From My Friend: Unexpected benefits of invasive species? Invasive species are widely talked about as unequivocally bad influences on ecosystems, but oftentimes their interactions are more complex. Click…