Genetics Name that Octopus! Nobody knows what octopus species are caught in the South Australian fishery.
Genetics Beyond X and Y: Fish have different methods of sex determination Biologists try to untangle the complicated genetic basis of sex in rockfish
Biology Genetics Deep-sea bug genetics 101 Critters in the deepest parts of the ocean form isolated populations even over short distances.
Genetics The Gene That Stings You Scientists from Cornell University demonstrate that a single genetic on/off switch controls the emergence of stinging cells in Cnidarians.
Genetics Evolution in Action for Diatoms in the Baltic Sea A species of marine algae is adapting to freshwater areas of the Baltic Sea.
Biological oceanography deep sea Genetics How do symbiotic relationships with bacteria help snails adapt to the deep sea? Deep-sea snails obtain bacterial symbionts from the surrounding environment, allowing them to survive in harsh environments
Genetics Shark Sleuthing: How scientists can identify which species of sharks attack Though shark attacks are uncommon, it is in humanity’s best interest to learn all we can about the sharks responsible.…
Biology deep sea Evolution Genetics genomics Fish with supervision? See for yourself! The deep, dark ocean is a hard place to live but new research reveals that some deep-sea fish are able…
Biochemistry Biological oceanography Genetics Hazards Like Parent, Like Offspring: Fish Inherit Changes in DNA Methylation How do animals respond to these environmental changes? How can they make sure their offspring will survive these conditions too?…
Biodiversity Biological oceanography Climate Change Genetics Around the world on a quest for diatoms How do scientists explore the diversity of tiny cells in the vast ocean? Does diversity change in relation to environmental…
Biological oceanography Chemistry Climate Change Genetics If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen: An analysis of phytoplankton with changing ocean temperature If you went to the beach and the water is cold, would you jump in? The same questions pertain to…
Genetics The Age-Old Question about Sea Turtles There's a lot that science has taught us about sea turtles – but we still don't know how old these…
Evolution Genetics Shedding Light on the Origin of Clam Photosymbiosis You may have heard of photosymbiosis in corals. But did you know that some species of clams also host photosynthetic…
Atmospheric Science Biology Genetics Microbiology Physical oceanography Me, Myself, and I: The Solitude of Bacteria above the Southern Ocean Picture this: shrink yourself down to the 1/1000th the size of the period at the end of this sentence. You…
Coastal Management Conservation Coral Ecology Fisheries Genetics Human impacts Trophic Ecology Slowing a Thorny Invasion – Managing for COTS with DNA Crown-of-Thorns Starfish are a natural scourge on coral reefs… or are they? The cycle of outbreaks is cruel, since it…
Coastal Management Genetics Human Health Microbiology Tough bugs below the waves? Just as humans can build up tolerances to things we’re exposed to, so can bacteria. Introduce antibiotics to an ecosystem…
Genetics Blue Coral with a Not-So-Blue Future Before this genetics study, we only knew of one extant octocoral species producing a massive skeleton. Not only does Iguchi's…
Biogeochemistry Climate Change Ecology Genetics genomics Microbiology Think global, act local: how lake microbes respond to their environments How do microbes in lake sediments respond to small and large scale influences, and what does it have to do…
Biodiversity Coastal Management Conservation Ecology Genetics genomics Invasive Species Methodology Policy Hidden diversity in ships’ ballast tanks Did you know that organisms can live in the ballast tanks of cargo ships? Ballast tanks are used by ships…
Genetics Sharkbites Saturday Are you feeding your pet endangered sharks? Did you know there could be shark in your dog or cat’s food? Did you know they could also be…