Policy Let’s Go to the Beach? Questioning Coastal Access Equity in the Ocean State Researchers studied how race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status affect access to the coast in Rhode Island.
Policy Dynamic Ocean Management: Saving Whales and Shipping Responsibly This new study examines how blue whales can be protected while still using marine resources via dynamic ocean management.
Conservation Fisheries Human Health Human impacts Methodology Policy Sea Turtles High-TEK Turtle Monitoring: Lessons from Traditional Ecological Knowledge In this new study carried out in Colombia, traditional ecological knowledge helps to shine a light on sea turtle and…
Conservation Policy Sleeper Sharks: From the jaws of defeat There are many stories of species close to extinction. Sometimes, species can go locally extinct, disappearing from a particular area.…
Conservation Human impacts Policy Survey From ancient blood come modern cures, or, How Horseshoe Crabs and Medicine Intertwined If you’ve ever had a vaccination, congratulations, you’re linked to the ocean! Somewhere along the way, that vaccine batch was…
Policy Holistic management: the vital role of Indigenous Peoples in conservation on the high seas This Indigenous Peoples' Day, consider the role of indigenous and local communities in marine conservation and policy. International governing bodies…
Behavior Coastal Management Fisheries Human impacts Methodology Policy Homing in on a hammerhead’s range Over the decades, many shark species have become endangered. In an effort to save these fishes, humans have set up…
Biology Coastal Management Conservation Ecology Fisheries Policy Getting your toes wet: Citizen science as a means for long-term monitoring To understand ecosystem level changes, it is important to monitor an ecosystem over a long period of time. However, long-term…
Biodiversity Biology Coastal Management Conservation Coral Ecology Fisheries Human impacts Policy Trophic Ecology Peace for Coral Reefs As the world has learned over the past several months, a little solitude goes a long way towards a healthy…
Policy Sea Ice How do we navigate a climate-changed sea? By getting Inuit perspectives on the map. Climate change is impacting the waters of Arctic Canada. As ice cover declines, interest in using these routes for international…
Climate Change Coastal Management Conservation Human impacts Policy Restoration Make Earth Blue Again A team of the world’s leading marine scientists reports that we are capable of rebuilding many components of marine life…
Climate Change Coastal Management ocean engineering Policy City Marine Parks: The Water Parks of the Future Did you love going to the water park as a kid? The authors of this paper have come up with…
Biodiversity Coastal Management Conservation Ecology Genetics genomics Invasive Species Methodology Policy Hidden diversity in ships’ ballast tanks Did you know that organisms can live in the ballast tanks of cargo ships? Ballast tanks are used by ships…
Climate Change Conservation Human impacts Policy Sea Ice Who Governs the Ocean Around Antarctica? Antarctica is often considered an untouched wilderness. While its location is remote, the region is hardly undisturbed by human activity.…
Behavior Policy Killing Jaws: Tackling the Idea of the Bloodthirsty Predator Even though shark attacks are rare, fear of sharks has led people to support laws that kill sharks en masse.…
Policy Which Paris Agreement Countries Mention the Ocean, and Why? Do nations mention the impact of climate change on the ocean in their Paris Agreement pledges? And why do some…
Fisheries Policy Fishy Crimes: How Indonesia Is Taking Back Its Fisheries Fish poaching is a huge problem for countries around the globe, disrupting conservation efforts and damaging local economies. Indonesia, once…
Conservation Policy Sharkbites Saturday How just 3% saves 50%: Small expansions of protected areas in “shark hot spots” could save HALF of currently endangered Sharks, Skates, and Rays The old adage of, "work smarter, not harder" even applies to shark conservation...read on to learn how targeted expansion of…
Policy Senators propose bill to ensure independence of federal researchers Last week, a group of Senators introduced legislation that aims to preserve the independence of U.S. government scientists. The Scientific…
Book Review Policy Science Communication Keeping Up the Fight: Tips for Science Policy Engagement Concerned for the future of science? I’ve highlighted a few things you can do to stay engaged in 15 minutes…