Climate Change Ocean Acidification Oysters Are Pacific Oysters ready for the heat? How are adult and larval oysters sensitive to ocean acidification and warming?
Oysters Oysters, bacteria, and parasites, oh my! How does infection with parasites influence levels of Vibrio bacteria in oysters?
Coastal Management Harmful Algal Bloom Human impacts Oysters Shells and cells: Lack of oxygen and the presence of bacteria contribute to oyster mortality Lack of oxygen for a long period of time is bad for oysters, but is that the whole story?
Oysters Got oyster shells? Use them to build a house! Scientists reveal how to curb waste AND make construction more sustainable.
Aquaculture Biogeochemistry Conservation Ecology Harmful Algal Bloom Human impacts Oysters Restoration Eutrophication in the Chesapeake Bay This post is in support of #BlackInMarineScience week highlighting Black scientists who have contributed to and are currently working in…
Biochemistry Biological oceanography deep sea Ecology Fisheries Harmful Algal Bloom Human Health Oysters Trophic Ecology Snowmageddon: A lighthearted start to Marine Snow theme week While the term “marine snow” may conjure images of an aquatic winter wonderland, some aspects of this phenomenon may not…
Book Review Coastal Management Conservation Human impacts Modeling Oysters Restoration technology Oh Where, Oh Where Should This Oyster Reef Go? Where indeed? Oyster reef restoration and use for shoreline protection requires some planning to maximize effectiveness. Find out more in…