Parasitism A New Host is a New Life The travels of parasitic sea anemones from the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean.
Parasitism Underwater buffet: Who wants the ectoparasites? Scientists identify the primary consumers of ectoparasites in coral reefs.
deep sea Parasitism Seagrass The deep, mysterious ocean: microbes beneath the ocean’s surface Graham Olivia J., Stephens Tiffany, Rappazzo Brendan, Klohmann Corinne, Dayal Sukanya, Adamczyk Emily M., Olson Angeleen, Hessing-Lewis Margot, Eisenlord Morgan,…
Parasitism How can we manage marine diseases in the face of climate and anthropogenic changes? Glidden, Caroline K., Field, Laurel C., Bachhuber, Silke, Hennessey, Shannon M., Cates, Robyn, Cohen, Lesley, Crockett, Elin, et al. 2022. “ Strategies for Managing Marine Disease.” Ecological Applications 32( 7): e2643.…
Parasitism Climate Change is Lousy for Salmon As global temperature increases, salmon farming faces increasing pressure from a copepod known as the salmon louse. Are the salmon…
Parasitism Getting warmer – How will climate change shape disease? Is a warmer world really a sicker world? When it comes to the ocean, it's not always that clear. However,…
Parasitism Wormception: How one parasite lives inside its cousin Where do worms live? In the dirt, on sidewalks after a rain storm, and on the bottom of the sea…
Parasitism Where other bugs fear to tread: seals carry superdiving lice Seals carry their lice everywhere they go, including their deep dives in the ocean. But how do seal lice fare…
Biological oceanography Fisheries Parasitism What can you do for love? Some people would tell you that they believe in big romantic gestures, while others believe in small, thoughtful actions. But…
Parasitism Coming Home to Roost: A case of parasites relying on ancestral DNA to take advantage of a new penguin host species? Parasites are nasty and resilient organisms, often highly specialized to fit their hosts. But sometimes, nature allows a bit of…
Behavior Book Review Coral Ecology Evolution Parasitism Seagrass Grunts and Gnathiids: One Fish’s Daily Migration to Escape Parasites? Animals move for a number of reasons. The French grunt leaves the coral reefs at night for seagrass. A group…
Biology Climate Change Ecology Ocean Acidification Parasitism Can being sick be a good thing for surviving ocean acidification? Scientists (myself included!) have been doing a lot of work on how marine animals respond to rising carbon dioxide (CO2)…
Biology Ecology Parasitism Better Together: Mutualisms contribute to reef fish recruitment All other things being equal, would you rather live where mutually beneficial relationships are available or where they aren’t? Well,…
Biology genomics Glaciers Microbiology Parasitism It’s a virus’ world: Glaciers host unique viral communities Scientists have only recently started studying the wealth of biological diversity that is found on top of glaciers. Cryoconite holes…
Ecology Parasitism Sex and parasitism on the open sea and in a fish’s mouth. Parisites live in fish mouths and undergo opportunistic sex changes.
Biology Ecology Parasitism Gulls in Argentina bully whales into changing their behavior Whales are a lot like people: if something’s annoying or hurting you, you’ll go out of your way to avoid…
Aquaculture Biology Ecology Economy Fisheries Human impacts Parasitism Sunday brunch: Lox with… lice? Lox and lice. Not a combination of critters you envision when planning your Sunday brunch. Unfortunately, an increase in drug…
Biology Parasitism Physiology Deadly Dino’s Copepods dominate the world’s oceans. They are important in the marine food web and help to regulate the global carbon…