deep sea The Deep Sink: micropollutants in the deep sea A recent literature survey highlights how even the deepest areas of the ocean are prone to the harmful effects of…
deep sea Deep sea daycare: largest fish nursery discovered in the Weddell Sea Researchers are reeling at the immensity of a fish nest colony, thousands of times larger than ever seen before.
deep sea Microbiology Enigmatic microorganisms from the depths Magneto might be happy to find about this recently discovered magnetic microorganism from the deep sea
deep sea See ya later, alligator! The cycle of life for alligators in the deep sea Scientists sank an alligator to the depths of the Gulf to see what snaps
Biological oceanography deep sea Genetics How do symbiotic relationships with bacteria help snails adapt to the deep sea? Deep-sea snails obtain bacterial symbionts from the surrounding environment, allowing them to survive in harsh environments
deep sea Taking a long, hard look at a classic deep-sea theory Diversity is lower where there is less food: a fundamental deep-sea ecology theory. Is this true everywhere in the deep…
deep sea The deep-sea paradox: a vast desert-like habitat teeming with microscopic diversity Animals smaller than a grain of sand dominate the diversity on Earth, especially in the world’s largest biome: the deep…
deep sea What does the deep sea sound like? Researchers based out of Japan show that deep-sea habitats sound distinct from both shallow water, coastal habitats, and from one…
deep sea Ecology Not only Popeye but phytoplankton need iron too. Massive Southern Ocean phytoplankton bloom fed by iron of possible hydrothermal origin There are vast areas in the oceans that…
Biogeochemistry Biological oceanography Biology deep sea Physical oceanography Remote Sensing An unexpected source of deep-sea iron in the Southern Ocean fuels life at the ocean’s surface The cold, dark Southern Ocean makes it difficult for phytoplankton, the plants of the sea, to get the resources they…
Biology deep sea Evolution Genetics genomics Fish with supervision? See for yourself! The deep, dark ocean is a hard place to live but new research reveals that some deep-sea fish are able…
Behavior Biology deep sea Physiology Luminous luster…with teeth Don’t worry—these glowing predators won’t harm you. They’re more interested in picking on someone their own size. Scientists take a…
deep sea There are plenty more fish in the deep sea! The deep sea is far from desolate. In their latest research, Dr. Leitner et al. observe the most fish ever…
Behavior Biological oceanography deep sea Ecology Red Light, Green Light… Squid Light? It's spooky season! And what better way to celebrate than learning about the creatures of the deep? This recent paper…
Biological oceanography deep sea Deep Sea Vampires and Octopods Happy (early) Halloween from the depths of the sea! The two animals from this study live in the deep sea…
Book Review deep sea Evolution Hiding at its best: Ultra-black fish of the deep sea Animals stay hidden from predators using different skin colors and patterns as camouflage. Scientists recently discovered a unique way some…
deep sea Upward and onward: how deep-sea larvae utilize vertical swimming to disperse across ocean basins Deep-sea larvae show vastly different dispersal ability and pathways based on simulating how they swim.
deep sea Bottom trawling may irreparably damage seamount habitats Destructive fishing practices like bottom trawling damage seafloor habitats. To see how detrimental this fishing technique might be on fragile…
deep sea Telling time in the deep sea Can animals tell time in the pitch black of the deep-sea? Find out how researchers Dr. Audrey Mat and others…
deep sea Are we ready to mine the seafloor? Are we ready to mine the seafloor? Effects evident even after 26 years.