Noise How eavesdropping on fish can help conservationists protect coral reefs A new method for listening in to the chitter-chatter of fish could help researchers understand the complexities of fish behaviour…
Behavior Coastal Management Human impacts Noise Crash Compilation #1: A review of vessel collisions with marine animals As more people take to the seas, either for recreation or trade, sea life encounters have also increased. These encounters…
Climate Change Fisheries Noise Underwater musicians: estimating health of an estuary using sound Ever hear a snapping underwater? Wonder who is making the sound? Researchers can use sound to take the pulse of…
Noise Noise Pollution Stresses Sea Urchins You may have heard that marine mammals are affected by manmade ocean noise. But have you ever wondered whether smaller…
Behavior Biological oceanography Biology Noise Sounds, Stress, and Stingrays Have you ever wondered if stingrays can hear noise? Sharks, skates, and rays have multiple sensory organs to help then…
Coastal Management Coral deep sea Economy Human impacts Noise ocean engineering Ocean Exploration Pollution Life in the Abyss: the ecological impacts of deep-sea mining Did you know that about 95% of the ocean is unexplored? The deep ocean is logistically very difficult to access,…
Biodiversity Biological oceanography Climate Change Coastal Management Conservation Ecology engineerings Fisheries Human impacts Noise ocean engineering ocean engineerings Ocean Exploration The Sound of (Fish) Music The ocean contains a symphony of sounds. A new study describes a novel method for capturing the chorus "sung" by…
Noise Can you hear me now? Investigating sound across the Atlantic Ocean The ocean is full of sounds, ranging from marine mammal conversations to man-made noises used to investigate the seafloor. Ocean…
Ecology Human impacts Noise Survey Oil rigs, the food trucks of the sea? We humans don't always take time to assess how we impact other environments; more often we survey before we enter…
Behavior Conservation Ecology Fisheries Harmful Algal Bloom Methodology Noise Remote Sensing Listening for Symptoms: A new use for hydrophones in the face of harmful algal blooms Whales aren't the only animals hydrophones can detect out in the ocean. In fact, in the near future it might…
Behavior Biology Ecology Evolution Noise Loud and Order: How reef fish vocalize to keep schools cohesive Many animals use vocalizations to send signals to their group, but never before has this been documented in fish, until…
Behavior Human impacts Noise Eavesdropping prawns get more than they bargained for Marine animals living below the surface have to put up with noise generated by human activity. Heavy shipping traffic can…
Biological oceanography Noise In the Heart of the Sea: Following the Song of Humpback Whales to Study Migration Every year, humpback whales journey across the ocean. Using passive acoustics to study whale song, scientists are able to follow…
Behavior Biology Book Review Ecology Noise Rising above the noise Oceanbites is still “ringing” in the New Year! Find out how in a sea full of noisy fish one can…
Conservation Coral Human impacts Noise Small boats drowning out natural reef noise? Don’t you hate when noises interfere with your daily activities and conversations? We create lots of noise in the environment…